April 2019

New venue announced for Limitless Festival 2020

Tim Alford talks with Mike Pilavachi about the final Soul Survivor festival this summer and why he is encouraging young people to engage with Limitless Festival in 2020 at its new location.

After 26 years of stunning ministry, the Soul Survivor festivals will be coming to an end in the summer of 2019, leaving a legacy of countless transformed lives. But there will not be a void for young people, with Mike Pilavachi and the Soul Survivor team encouraging youth groups to engage with Limitless Festival in the summer of 2020.

Part of this transition will see a move for Limitless Festival from Malvern to Stafford Showground, the location that currently hosts Soul Survivor Week A. In this interview, Tim Alford sat down for a little chat with Mike Pilavachi about the coming end of Soul Survivor, and why he and the Soul Survivor team are encouraging young people to engage with Limitless Festival in 2020.

Keep reading to find out more and see how your youth leaders can discover Limitless Festival for the first time with a free day pass for 2019.


Mike: I could take ages answering that but the bottom line - the main thing is because we really, really believe that God told us. There's not really another reason. We believe God spoke to us and said we were to lay it down.

And also, I am convinced and passionate that the things that are going to follow, that we want to support with all our hearts, are gonna be for the next season. That we were for a season and that those that are gonna follow are going to do it better than us. It won't be exactly the same. It'll be similar values. And we're passing the baton and they're going to take it further.


Mike: No? I didn’t know that.


Mike: I could say all sorts of things to that which would all be true. Like, I went to your Gathering event last October and I loved it.

What I loved was that it was accessible to young people the worship. It was Jesus focused. The teaching was fantastic apart from the session I did and there was a sense of community, a sense of family. There was very little hyper manipulation of them. You weren't constantly selling them things but the main thing was you guys loved them - you're doing it because you loved them.

And it was like oh my goodness it feels like coming home. I love this, I love this.

We long for those that we want to support, cheer on and encourage to be those who above all else, they love young people and they want to serve them. And you guys do that and in your teaching, I think you've got you guys have got lots of gifts in teaching. We've got you and Laura coming again this coming summer to teach at our Soul Survivor festival.

Your worship is, like I said, just Jesus focused and you're open to the ministry of the Spirit. And it's about community. So you'll do it in a different way to us and you should do. Why do you want to do it like us? You'll do it better, but it's a similar value and it's a similar heart. I can't wait to cheer you on. I shall come along to one day of that festival on my Zimmer frame to go around moaning and complaining, and trying to get kids to buy me cups of coffee and chocolate.


Mike: That's what I need.


Mike: Wonderful! I can't wait for it to start. So Tim, let me ask you a couple of questions.

First one is what would you say the values and the particular ethos of Limitless is?


Mike: That all sounds great but I need to need to say to you - that's all fine but you've left out a huge ingredient that it is vital!

Mike: Food! Will there be cake?

Mike: Well you're there. You don't need to say any more. That's fantastic.

Now, Limitless is has come out of the Elim group of churches but this Festival that you're really launching in a new way, it's for the whole church, isn't it? Tell us about that.


Mike: That's wonderful. So an event for the whole church. Wonderful!

Then finally, this summer you've got a Limitless Festival and it will be slightly smaller but there's an opportunity for youth leaders to come and to get get a taste. Tell us about that.


Mike: Brilliant and I just want to say as we finish this, we want to support these guys with all our hearts. We love them. We know they have integrity. We know they have a passion for young people and we have seen them equip and encourage and empower young people to live for Jesus.

So come along to Limitless. I'm going to be visiting for a day and I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do.

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