
Watch the 2024 Elim Ordination Service held on Saturday 8 June at 2pm, featuring ordinands who spent three years as ministers in training.

Ordination represents a milestone in the journey of all those being ordained from the first moment they began to be aware of God calling them to serve Him, His Church and His world with the many and varied aspects of their personalities, gifts and passions until this celebration moment today.

Christian ministry is a huge privilege and a great sacrifice. It is in that sacrifice that there can lie much joy and fulfilment as well as great challenge. Yet each of our ordinands has given themselves to make full proof of the ministry and calling in their lives.

Each has undertaken training and served in local churches or as chaplains, evangelists, missionaries or church planters and will rightly appreciate the recognition of their peers, those they have been serving and leading and of course their friends and family.

Our service is designed to give thanks to God who we recognise first of all gave each of us a wonderful gift of new life in His Son Jesus, but who also calls us to work with Him in spreading the good news and hope of His gift of salvation.

You may not be a follower of Jesus and will, we hope, be curious enough to explore the truth we have found in Him that has forever changed our lives and eternal future. We do pray that the service we share in will be something very special for you as it will for those being ordained.

So as each of our ordinands makes a pledge at the culmination of our service, we invite you to join us in committing our lives afresh to the great commission of Jesus and to the transformation of our communities in all their diversity and need.

Watch the event on the Elim YouTube channel.

This year's ordination service will be held on Saturday 14 June 2025. Due to limited capacity, attendance at the event is by invitation only. Details will be sent to ordinands once they are available. 

Watch the Elim Ordination Service online

Watch on the Elim YouTube channel - Recorded on Saturday 8 June 2024 at 2pm