Boy without stabalisers

Gordon Allen

How you really can do it

God removed our stabilisers, and without our ‘stuff’ we have learned to focus on Jesus in lockdown

On a family holiday, I determined that child number three would be the next Chris Froome. My boy was not so keen, crying ‘I can’t do it’ as the spanner removed the support wheels on the rear tyre. There were louder sobs of ‘I can’t do it’ as my hand supported the saddle while he began to cycle. He continued shouting ‘I can’t do it’ as he rode on his own, far into the distance. 

Father God has removed the stabilisers that have made it easy for us to cycle the pathway of church. Many who might have cried ‘I can’t do it’ have coped, deepened, and grown in their faith. Church and discipleship look very different from six months ago. ‘Stuff’ has been stripped away. The main thing is the main thing. The main thing is Jesus.

Responsibility for the rhythms of spiritual development has become the individual’s role. In our local context people know others better, know themselves better and crucially know the Lord better.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Continued communication through a members’ Facebook page to connect and share daily video devotionals. We have 25 contributors. Some are seasoned preachers while others have discovered an ability to encourage others in the Bible. This has been an opportunity to step up that some may never have had.
  • Concern for each other has been expressed through numerous calls, messages, gifts, and food parcels that have been delivered. There has been a release of grass-roots pastoral care that has supported the saints (John 13:35).
  • Care for the community has been demonstrated by helping others in need, just because there is a need. Shopping and household items have been bought, food cooked and cakes baked to help and bless.

In this time of being separated many have been counting the cost, quite literally, of supporting the people of God. In times of economic uncertainty, people have been faithful in their giving, willing to bless generously and be thankful to the God who provides (Genesis 22:14).

Through online church we have seen people become connected to Christ, others seeking water baptism, and we have an online Alpha Course running. None of this should actually take me by surprise, but it did.

The Book of Acts demonstrates what an authentic church looked like (Acts 4:32-34).

Acts reminds us that a scattered church caused the gospel to flourish (Acts 8:1, 4-8).

There are many lessons from lockdown, but mostly just to keep the main thing the main thing; Jesus.

As for my youngest, now that lockdown is over I can’t get him home from the skate-park/cycle track ... who says ‘I can’t do it’

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