Mpower News & Articles

Are you living authentically?
Mark Lyndon-Jones offers 10 Bible-based steps to help you become more grounded.
Get rid of the obstacles to living well for Jesus
$30 for a plastic bag to attend an American football event? No thanks, thought Gordon Allan. But he came to revisit that decision…
No More Stinking Thinking
Roy McEwen looks back at an MPower event that boldly declared an end to divorce within the church
The world is crying out for authentic masculinity
To be men in today’s society requires strength tempered with humility, argues Mark Lyndon-Jones
You’re being hunted!
We’re all being pursued, but who is going to find us, asks Gordon Allan
Make your workdays count!
Work is not just some place for us to kill time whilst getting paid, says Liam Husband
Drawing inspiration from Nehemiah’s epic journey
New book by Mark Lyndon-Jones explores leadership lessons from Nehemiah's strategic mindset
Power of being unplugged!
There are enormous benefits in ‘unplugging’ for a day, argues MPower Director Mark Lyndon-Jones
In The Sphere
Being in God is to be surrounded, saturated, strengthened and safe as adopted sons of our Heavenly Father, explains Gordon Allan
Ten essential habits for Christian men to cultivate
Mark Lyndon-Jones outlines his top ten essential habits that can empower Christian men to navigate the challenges ahead, grow in their faith, and inspire others
Coaching others as the Holy Spirit coaches you!
MPower team members Mark Lyndon-Jones and Roy McEwen discuss coaching, one of MPower’s core principles
The power of forgiveness
Forgiveness is a powerful tool, with the ability to transform lives and restore relationships, writes Mark Lyndon-Jones
How to avoid being unfaithful… in prayer
When we ask God for guidance, we must do so with unshakeable faith, writes Roy McEwen
Who were you ‘bourne’ to be?
As men of God, we need to reject our old ways of living and find our true identity in Christ, writes MPower Director Mark-Lyndon Jones
When being masculine turns toxic
The pressure to be strong and courageous has given some men the wrong message about what it is to be masculine, writes Mark Lyndon-Jones
Where are your scars?
Jesus knew all about the painful stories behind scars – and they demonstrated his passion for us, writes Gordon Allan pastor of Edinburgh Elim
Our men’s ministry thrived during lockdown
The best way for men’s ministry to grow and be meaningful is to meet on a regular basis throughout the year to disciple men more effectively, says MPower leader Mark Lyndon-Jones.
You can't escape yourself
We can learn a lot from the pain Peter felt after Good Friday, argues Liam Husband.
Men's group is gaining momentum
Olugbenga Ajani tells the story of the MPower group he leads in Barking, Essex
Don’t be Waldorf or Statler!
Use any moans you have to mobilise you into the Father’s mission, says MPower’s Gordon Allan.
My journey so far
Liam Husband reveals how he came to know Jesus after being jailed for armed robbery.
Band of Bible Brothers
Two MPower men’s group leaders share their discipleship stories.
We had made a decision... not a bad thing for leaders.
We’re doing discipleship better, says Gordon Allan.
Be more Karate Kid
Mark Lyndon-Jones speaks to Gary Gibbs about his new book.
I will be that man.
Will you stand up and be counted? asks Alex Morgan.
No buddy, you need Jesus big time
Even walking on hot coals left me empty, explains MPower team member Nick Whittome.
How we set our course during Covid
It is important to live out of faith as brothers – especially during a pandemic, writes Mark Lyndon-Jones.
What part of the body are you?
In this post-lockdown time of re-gathering which part of the body are you and how connected will you be? Gordon Allan asks you to consider your intentions for church.
At times, it has been a season of despair
Liam Husband considers how the two disciples walking back to Emmaus might understand how bewildering the past year has been.
Humble yourself to rise high
Men often believe they have to have all the answers and look weak if they ask for help says Alex Morgan.