
How a little nudge can make a big difference

See everyday bumps as opportunities, advises Dave Newton.

A certain mindset seems to be required when travelling through a large city or population area.

I am not sure why, but often the quietest and most unassuming people suddenly have a personality transplant and charge through crowds as if their life depended upon it.

Whether it’s at a sports event, in an airport or simply trying to be first in the queue for the sales at your favourite shop, people seem to act differently in a crowd. Maybe they are so surrounded by others they feel anonymous, unnoticed, like their behaviour will not stand out.

After the edge-of-the-seat start to Mark’s account of Jesus in the Gospels, where Jesus has recently calmed a storm and cast out multiple demons, he now finds himself in the middle of a crowd.

He asks a question that takes his disciples by surprise, ‘Who touched me?’ (Mark 5: 31).

His disciples tried to explain it away, suggesting it was just a natural consequence of being in the large crowd, but on this occasion, as in many others, Jesus knew different.

He noticed the individual in the crowd and, despite being focused on another task, took time to stop and acknowledge the woman who had reached out to him, ensuring she was well.

The bumping, chaos and jostling of a large crowd can often be perceived as a negative thing; people can appear as obstacles preventing you getting to where you want to go.

What if, however, we started to see the everyday bumps and nudges as opportunities to influence, shape, share and show compassion. Perhaps a little nudge can make a big difference. 

Hearing God’s nudge

Life can be so hectic at times that it feels like rush hour on an overcrowded train.

In those moments of rushing from one thing to the next we can miss the voice of God; the burning bush moments that are designed to catch our attention and help us stop and listen.

It may come in a moment of quiet set aside or simply in everyday life, but are our ears tuned to hear the nudges of God, the people needing help, encouragement, a listening ear or an act of kindness?

Perhaps there are more burning bush moments than we care to notice.

Nudging others

Perhaps a question we could start each day with is ‘who am I nudging towards Jesus today’?

Who am I helping to see, taste, smell and touch the creativity and care of God who is active in their lives?

How am I discerning what God is doing by his Spirit in the lives of others and nudging them to-wards him?

Am I living my life in a way that makes people aware of the God who is already there?

Nudged by others

It is easy to be so focused on my own life that I see the nudges of others as an unhelpful hinderance that seemingly knocks me off course.

How dare they want my time, my money, my prayers? If only people knew the demands and commitments I already have.

Rather than seeing others around us as an obstacle or distraction, what if we see ourselves as the supporting cast to their story.

Perhaps in some way as I posture myself to take the bumps and knocks of life that come from others, God can refine and shape me to be a useful instrument for his Kingdom.

Perhaps we need to be shaken and knocked off course from our comfortable lives to see things how God sees them.

The mindset required to navigate your way through a crowded city may be one thing, but our mindset for navigating through life as Jesus followers needs to allow for one or two nudges.

Dave Newton is the Director of Training for the Elim Pentecostal Churches, and Principal of Regents Theological College.

First published in the August 2022 issue of Direction, Elim’s monthly magazine. Subscribe now to get Direction delivered to your home.

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