
Being in the Elim Leaders Summit volunteer team was a true gift

The next Elim Leaders Summit will be held in Harrogate on 9-11 May, and a key element for each event is the host of volunteers who help things run smoothly. But there’s a lot more to it than just hard work, say volunteers Iwan Smith and Claire Jackson.

What was it like volunteering at ELS?

Iwan: One of the great things about the volunteer team was that we all came from very different backgrounds, yet there was a strong sense of unity in faith. A lot of people were from Bible college, whereas I’ve only been a Christian for a year and a half and this was my first Christian experience outside of church. It’s hard work – you’re running around making sure people have everything they need – but like I said, there was this incredible sense of unity.

Claire: The joy was amazing! Although we were busy for hours, we just sang, danced and were in a position to encourage our leaders. We could help them with as little stress as possible, reducing the pressure of sourcing credentials, helping organise their days and stopping people from feeling lost. To be on team was a true gift! Having the opportunity to pray with my home pastor, friends from Regents and to be with people I know from around the country in one space was great too.

Claire Jackson and Iwan Smith, were encouraged by volunteering for the Elim Leaders Summit.

How did it help your faith?

Iwan: It has increased my faith, helped me to step into new things and it’s changed my plans too. I felt led to get married, for example, so we’ve now set the date for next December! Being in the room with so many thousands of Christians, pastors and leaders all worshipping God really opened my eyes too. That was a great experience.

Claire: One of my incredible memories from ELS was receiving a prophetic word in Helen Yousaf’s seminar relating to leading and speaking in situations.

She said, “There is a young Northerner who has been ducking and diving her place at the pulpit that is to step forward.” I chuckle because I was wearing rubber duck earrings, and God saying “ducking and diving” was perfect. Since then, I have been equipped and am leading more both in a school context, in church and for a local charity.


Would you do it again?

Iwan: I’m definitely applying again, and I can’t wait to go back. Honestly, I can’t explain how good it was!

Claire: I enjoyed it so much that I’m back on the team for Co-Missioned in 2023!

Would you like to volunteer at a future Elim Leader's Summit?

Get in touch at els@elim.org.uk or visit elimleaders.org.uk, with ELS2024 volunteer sign available after 11 May 2023.

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