The foundation of leadership

Are you qualified for leadership? And what should kingdom success look like to Christians who rely on God rather than their own strength?

Watch this clip of Boyd Ratnaraja, Elim New Zealand's national leader and Elim International Church's senior pastor in Wellington, speaking at the Elim Leaders Summit in May 2023.

Watch the entire session on our Elim YouTube channel -

Join your church leaders at the Elim Leaders Summit

Will you join the team from your church at our next Summit? Find out how at

How church had the back of a hurting community
How do you respond when young children are murdered in your community? Richard Vernon tells Chris Rolfe about Lakeside Church’s Blessing in a Backpack project
What's your Spiritual Temperament?
To experience a fulfilling life of prayer and faith, it’s essential to understand how we connect most deeply with God. In a recent Limitless Leaders podcast, Sarah Whittleston and Tim Alford delved into the fascinating concept of ‘spiritual temperaments’
Reaching out to people given the ‘gift of years’
Just because an older person can no longer physically get to church it doesn’t mean they’ve left, says Elim’s original Anna Chaplain Karen Grimshaw.
Racial Justice Sunday: Will You Join the Call for Unity and Action?
Sunday 9 February 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of 'Racial Justice Sunday'.
We're ready to clock up another century!
As Regents Theological College gets ready to mark 100 years of preparing people for ministry, there are some big changes on the way, explains Michelle Nunn

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