
Must-have books for your church and community this season

Are you looking for something to help members of your church this Christmas time? Mark Greenwood and Mark Ryan have both produced some fantastic books for Christmas.

Are you looking for something to give away to your guests at your Christmas events? Are you looking for something to help members of your church this Christmas time? Well look no further!

Mark Ryan and Mark Greenwood have both produced some fantastic books for Christmas which may be helpful give away items at your church events.

NotJustMark Greenwood has written Not just for Christmas, which is illustrated full colour by award winning illustrator Andy Gray. It uses the things we see and say around Christmas e.g. “Are you feeling Christmassy yet?” to show that Jesus is for life not just for Christmas.

givenMark Ryan’s book Given, has taken Isaiah 9, “to us a Son is given” and has produced a superb Christmas daily devotion for the Advent season, that takes you on a journey to explore all the meanings behind the titles and names in Isa 9:6-7 so you can more deeply encounter the One who was Given.

We are combining together so that members of your church can get something for themselves to help them think about Jesus over Christmas and something for them to give away to help their friends think about Jesus over Christmas.

To buy these head across to To find out about bulk orders you can email on


Not Just For Christmas is also being used by Konnect Radio for their Christmas Campaign this year. Konnect Radio is a station that plays both Christian and secular music and has an evangelistic outreach as it’s foundation. Click here to find out how you can get Konnect Radio and also when marks book is being added.

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