Image of water droplet in a pond creating a ripple.

God speaks

We share countless stories of God at work, and one powerful theme stands out—how often a direct word from the Lord sparks something significant

Tim-Leadership-Photo-scaled-e1The story
At the Elim Leaders Summit (ELS), Tim Cooling was actively trying to recruit an assistant minister. A fellow pastor shared a picture of Tim running fast, with God running behind him trying to catch up. Through prophecy the Lord said: “Stop striving and trying to make this happen. Trust me and let me work – I’ve got this.”

The result
Shortly after, at an ELS business session, Tim met Joel Singleton – who ended up joining the team with Tim at Glossop Elim!

heidi longworthThe story
Heidi Longworth wasn’t that interested in missions. As she prayed through this lack of passion, God posed a big challenge. God said: “If I was to send you somewhere, would you go?”

The result
Ten years after she’d replied “yes”, the Lord called Heidi to Romania where she now mentors young people and leads worship at Deo Gloria Church in Hunedoara.

tim-dunningtonThe story
Tim Dunnington was planning to spend his pound coin on a Mars bar – but God had a more inventive use for it. The Lord said: “I’ve got another plan for your £1 coin. Plant it in that roundabout.”


The result
Prophetically planting the coin in the roundabout was an act of sowing into Gracemead Church’s later vision for an ambitious purchase of an old tax office right there. Today, the former tax office is home to a community and charity hub and home to a church with a thriving youth work, connect groups and a food bank.

overboard (1)The story
When Stacy and Phil Gibbs’ daughters told them church was boring they searched, but struggled to find a new one. But they then felt God give them an instruction: “If you can’t find one, build one!”

The result
The couple planted a church in their back garden which today has blossomed into Overboard Church on Mablethorpe High Street, with a wealth of kids’ activities, support for older people, a youth gym and a sensory space among other facilities.

jen-alfordThe story
As Jen Alford took on the role of headteacher at Malvern Wells, a school Ofsted graded “poor”, she sensed God setting a new vision. She sensed God saying, “I want you to build a school on a hilltop that cannot be hidden – not because your academic results trump the nation but because of the character of the community and their love for one another and the world they are a part of. I want you to build a team of people who are so invested in this that Malvern Wells becomes known as the school on the hilltop that shines brightly.”

The result
Today, Jen and the team in their successful school are helping their 90 pupils flourish, and their latest Ofsted inspection resulted in a “good” rating.

simon-lawtonThe story
Simon Lawton was an Elim pastor through and through, then God gave him an unexpected commission. God said: “Go wider.”

The result
After several months resisting, Simon (who is married to Julia) obeyed God’s call to move to the independent Banbury Community Church where he has spent the past two years rebuilding, re-equipping, re-empowering – as well as bringing the church into the Elim Network.

guitar-aidThe story
Musician Dave Sumner once created a miniature guitar trophy for Sir Paul McCartney. Then, on a mission trip to Romania, he saw a hunger for worship in the post-Communist country and received a new commission from God. God said: “Four thousand will praise the Lord with musical instruments.” (1 Chronicles 23:5)

The result
Since 1990, Dave has collected guitars which his charity Guitar Aid gives free to worship leaders, ministries and churches all around the world, including Elim churches in Tanzania. And, in line with the word from God, Guitar Aid has recently donated its 4,000th instrument!


This article first appeared in Direction Magazine. For further details, please click here.

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