
How to avoid being unfaithful… in prayer

When we ask God for guidance, we must do so with unshakeable faith, writes Roy McEwen


Roy McEwen

Faithfulness is an essential aspect our lives. We must keep our promises and do what we say we will do.

But when it comes to our spiritual lives, faithfulness takes on a whole new meaning. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). In the absence of physical evidence, faith requires us to believe in God’s power.

Unfaithfulness in the flesh means not keeping our promises or failing to fulfil our commitments. This type of unfaithfulness is different from spiritual unfaithfulness. Spiritual unfaithfulness occurs when we take action without faith. For instance, when we pray to God, we may harbour doubts or limit our expectations of what he can do.

It’s easy to believe that God can perform miracles, but it’s often more challenging to believe that he will perform them today. Some people even write off the importance of faith, assuming that God will only act if it’s his will.

However, Jesus said in John 15:7 that if his words abide in us, and we abide in him, we can ask for anything, and it will be done.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Therefore, when we ask God to reveal his will for our lives, we must do so as men of faith, trusting that he will direct our paths. We must take risks and have the courage to speak words that calm the storms in our lives, even when it seems impossible.

Brothers, if you struggle with taking the risk of faith, ask the Lord to give you a new revelation. Remember that faithfulness means continually believing in the absence of evidence. We must trust in God even when circumstances seem dire. When we pray, we should do so with unwavering faith, knowing that God is faithful to his promises.

Avoiding unfaithfulness in prayer requires us to constantly trust in God’s power and goodness. As authentic men in Christ, we must be bold in declaring calmness in the middle of life’s storms. When we ask God for guidance, we must do so with unshakeable faith, knowing that he will hear us and clearly lead us on the right path. Trust in God’s faithfulness, and he will never let you down.

This article first appeared in Direction, Elim’s monthly magazine.

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