Elim, as one movement with many churches, is as committed as ever to move together in mission.

In this decade, we are calling every Elim leader and church to advance into a new season of fresh mission, extending their influence, impact and outreach, reaching and serving the local community and beyond.

Our focus remains on our four strategic objectives – growing and planting healthy churches, developing existing and additional leaders, making discipleship a priority and reaching nations.

Acting as a springboard campaign, Advance seeks to challenge Elim's leaders to consider what’s next in advancing mission through their local church, as well as how they can help other churches and leaders advance in their journey into accelerated and radical mission.

Advance covers the decade of the '20s and not just the year 2020, so this mission focus will gain a life of its own over the coming years.

Initially, we will be gathering and shaping a wide range of resources and opportunities to help Elim leaders and churches share and celebrate stories. We will give examples of what is already working and is fruitful, as well as developing and strengthening existing projects.

At its heart, Advance will take a joined-up approach – taking on board national, regional and local perspectives. Vision and practice will be connected for the entire Elim Movement to grow and advance together with the good news of Jesus at the centre.

Take time to explore Elim's four missional priorities, with life-changing and inspiring stories from individuals and church congregations.

View and download the Advance promotional graphics and resources for your church  

Advance is the result of the three year Vision 20/20 journey to Imagine Elim's future which included Imagine conversations with leaders. 




Disciples creating disciples in every Elim church

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How Inside Out Church turned lives upside down — in the best way.
When Richard and Klaudia Cairns moved their family to Barnsley to plant a church, they weren’t just starting services — they were building community, reaching the vulnerable, and showing up for people who needed hope.
Bi-vocational ministry – a blessing or a burden?
What if being a pastor didn’t mean being full-time at church? Lee Carmichael's honest reflection explores the surprising blessings of bi-vocational ministry — where calling meets the workplace, and faith finds fresh expression beyond the pulpit.
Faith, truth, and tough questions
Are Christians deluded? Who are the “other sheep” Jesus spoke of? And should believers ever take up arms? These big questions challenge our faith—so what does the Bible say?

Developing Leaders


Leaders equipping, empowering, releasing & supporting transformational leaders

  Discover more at

Leaders gather for reflection, connection, and equipping
With just two months to go until Elim Leaders Summit 2025, anticipation is building for this key annual gathering of Elim church leaders
How Regents helped my ministry journey
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Praying for your pastor
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Growing Churches


Planting and growing life-giving churches that reproduce churches across the nation

  Discover more at

How Inside Out Church turned lives upside down — in the best way.
When Richard and Klaudia Cairns moved their family to Barnsley to plant a church, they weren’t just starting services — they were building community, reaching the vulnerable, and showing up for people who needed hope.
Bi-vocational ministry – a blessing or a burden?
What if being a pastor didn’t mean being full-time at church? Lee Carmichael's honest reflection explores the surprising blessings of bi-vocational ministry — where calling meets the workplace, and faith finds fresh expression beyond the pulpit.
A celebration of study for graduates
Graduation is a landmark moment for Regents Theological College students. After their ceremony at Worcester Cathedral in November, the college’s Peter Hutchinson asked five graduates to share their stories

Reaching Nations


Strategically planting churches and equipping leaders across the nations

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Making international mission possible
From school planting to gospel sharing to supporting those rescued from sex trafficking, Elim missionaries are making a huge difference around the world.
We must continue supporting Ukraine
February marked a grim milestone – the three-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Elim supports the work of relief charity Samaritan’s Purse, who continue their vital work in the war zone
A love that’s still burning so strongly
Retired Elim missionary Bobbie Tinnion fell in love with Zimbabwe more than 50 years ago. She explains how visiting the country still excites her
Conference: Dementia Awareness in the Church
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Shine Your Light this Christmas
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Light party draws over 140 children for a night of fun, faith, and community
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